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PhD Program

General Timeline for PhD Program

The following is the general timeline for the PhD program.

PhD Program Timeline_revised.png
Graduation Requirement

The caliber of Ewha's faculty and its reputation as a top-ranked research university attract many graduate applicants. Admission to the doctoral program requires a Master's degree or its equivalent. Requirements for the Ph.D. degree include at least four full semesters of study and a minimum of 36 credits. Successful candidates must also conduct original research, and present and defend a dissertation before the doctoral committee. Demonstrated proficiency in English is generally required.

minimum 36 credits of coursework + Dissertation credits + Research Ethics course

minimum IBT 100, TOEIC 900, TEPS 472 (830), IELTS 6.5

Qualifying exam


The qualifying exam will include the following subjects:

(1) one course each from each specialization (3 subjects total)

: Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Applied Linguistics, Multimedia Assisted Language Learning

(2) subject of your choice

Comprehensive exam


Students will submit a reading list on their prospective dissertation topic, and the committee will write three questions for them to answer, based on their reading list and claimed area of expertise.

Students will write their responses as in the following: 
(1) one research paper (including data) that is related to your dissertation topic and is of publishable quality (40 points): Question provided by the dissertation chair
(2) one paper on a question related to your dissertation topic (30 points): Question provided by a committee member
(3) one other paper on a question related to your dissertation topic (30 points): Question provided by a committee member

Submission of published work


Before the 1st dissertation defense, you will submit proof of research published in a KCI-candidate or KCI-accredited academic journal

PhD Curriculum

The following is the list of all subjects in the PhD program.

PhD Curriculum_2.png

52, Ewhayeodae-gil, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (03760)

407, Building A, Education Department

Tel. 02) 3277-2647

Copyright(c) 2022 By English Education Department, Ewha Womans University. All Rights Reserved.

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